Firstly this office would like to inform you that there is a renewal process required under the STEP prior to awarding a 3 year renewal of permission. We note from our records that you are in permission until xx/xx/2024. When this permission is close to expiring (ideally 60 days before expiration date) we will require you to contact this office by email only ( requesting a renewal of permission under the STEP. This office will then issue you with a small list of requirements in order to determine if you are eligible for renewal.
Please note the following in relation to your queries below:
1. It is not necessary to renew your passport prior to renewing your permission. Should your STEP renewal application be successful you will be able to renew for the full 3 year period regardless of the expiry date of your passport.
2. You will be able to renew your permission online once you are in receipt of a letter granting you a renewal of permission under the STEP from this office.
Person ID: 11xxxx-xx
Application Nos: xxxxxxxx-SUxx-xx
Business Name: xxxxxxxxxx Ltd.
Names: xxxx xxxxxxx
Dear Mr. xxxxxxx,
In order to process your application for renewal of permission under the Start-up Entrepreneur Programme (STEP) we will require the following list of documentation:
Colour copy of your full passport and colour copies of your family members’ passports (biometric page with all pages containing Irish immigration stamps)
Copies of xxxxxxxxxxx Ltd’s accounts for the year’s ending 31/12/2022 and 31/12/2023 if available, if not please provide a detailed narrative for the business highlighting the key areas listed as:
o Turnover
o Staff numbers
o Investment made in the company
Proof of residency for the calendar year’s 2022, 2023 and 2024(i.e. utility bills, personal bank statements etc)
Copy of you and your spouse’s Irish Residence Permit (IRP) for the calendar year’s 2022, 2023 and 2024.
Copy of the CT1 for the calendar years 2022 and 2023.
Tax Clearance Certificate in respect of xxxxxxxxxx Ltd. for the calendar years 2022 and 2023.
Detailed narrative on the status of xxxxxxxxx Ltd (including an overview of how xxxxxxx Ltd is currently performing, detailing that your business is trading as expected per business plan submitted and/or if measures have been put in place to deal with any difficulties, expected growth in areas such as staffing etc.)
Affidavits of good character for both you and your spouse
Please be advised, this office is only permitted to process a renewal under the STEP 3 months before the expiry date.
ここで初めてリニューアルに必要な書類が分かりました。 ・2022,2023の会社の決算書類の中の財務三票(Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow)
・2022,2023の CT1 のコピー → CT1(corporation tax)は法人税の確定申告書の書類です。
・2022,2023の Tax Clearance Certificate のコピー(確定申告して納付したら出てくる書類)
・Affidavits of good character
てことで、 Department of Justice にメールして聞きました。
俺「Affidavits of good character って具体的になんなんのよ?何を用意すればいいの?」
J「…renewal under the STEP we will require an affidavit sworn by you in the presence of a legal representative who is registered in Ireland or a commissioner for oaths.」
・2023の CT1 のコピー
・2023の Tax Clearance Certificate のコピー
・Affidavits of good character
・2022年の CT1 と Tax Clearance Certificate が無い事の説明
この辺りの書類は、確定申告をすれば揃うものがほとんどと、IRPカードとパスポートコピー。自分で用意したのは、Affidavits of good character、会社の説明書き(写真含めてWord2ページ分程度)、2022年CT1、TCCがない説明(3行ぐらいのWord)だったので楽勝でした。
In order for this Office to continue processing your application for renewal under the Start-up Entrepreneur Programme we will require the following documentation/information:
1. A personal narrative on your current living situation (including documentary evidence).
Name: xxxx xxxxxx
Person ID: xxxxxxx-22
Application ID: xxxxxx-SUEP-xx
Business Name: xxxxxxxx Limited
Family members: 1
Matter: Renewal of immigration permission under the Start-up Entrepreneur Programme (STEP)
Dear Mr. xxxxxxxx,
This Office would like to thank you for your participation in our Start-up Entrepreneur Programme (STEP).
Please find attached 3 year renewal grant letter in respect of your application. This correspondence has been issued via email only.
As stated in our correspondence attached above please use the following link to assist with registering your new permission:
Please also note that there is another STEP renewal available to our customers. When your 3 year permission is due to expire you may email the STEP unit again ( and make a second renewal application. The STEP unit will once again request a list of documentation/information and should your application be successful you will be awarded a 5 year renewal of permission.